The acai berry is the fruit of a palm quite common and abundant in Pará. Maranhão State your name is Juçara; Venezuela is Manaca and Quasei, Qapoe in Suriname. That fruit juice is extracted dark and creamy, smell and taste characteristic, known as açaí wine and that both can be served plain or with sugar, with cassava flour, the natural or iced. From the açaí wine obtains various culinary delicacies Pará, especially desserts. It is our ambrosia'''' corresponding to the mythological gods of Olympus.
According to legend, a tribe that lived HJE where the city is located in Belém was going through a dark period of scarcity, forcing the chief Itaki to decree the death of every child born after that date, as a measure of population control of the tribe.

But, behold Iaçá, chief's daughter, gives birth to a girl. Despite being the granddaughter of the chief, the newborn should be subject to law.
Serving their sentences, poor Iaçá cried for days, always praying to Tupa so it shows a way to end the deaths of innocents. One night she hears a child crying, trying to locate him, discovers her little girl leaning on a slender plameira, smiling at him, but to embrace her daughter, and it disappears Iaçá is seen docked to the trunk of the palm tree. The next day, the chief finds the body of his daughter embraced the trunk of the palm tree, carrying a bunch of berries and black eyes Iaçá. Immediately ordered to crush the fruit in a bowl and the juice obtained named him Acai, which is the name of Iaçá instead.